Ken Masters is a martial arts student, friend and rival of Ryu, who travels the world searching for new challenges. In the anime Street Fighter II V is the son of a wealthy businessman, while in the film Street Fighter - the final challenge is a small crook. Sean is currently coaching, Japan-Brazilian fighter who makes his debut Street Fighter 3 New Generation.Ken shows more interest in the beauty of his moves at the expense of power.
Ken In Action
He has a girl named Eliza, who is none other than the sister of Guile, who became his wife after the second episode of Street Fighter, the union was born a son named Mel (or Nash, according to the story told in the manhwa "Street Fighter III ") (such as one sees it in its embrace the final sequence of Street Fighter II, while she discovers in Pocket Fighter and Morrigan Aensland goes shopping because of a bet, he gets angry and hits him).
Work out with Ryu for a long time and having the same teacher (Gouken), the two have a similar style (their imaginary fighting technique called Ansatsuken). With the passage of time, the creators of games have tried to differentiate their moves slightly.
Work out with Ryu for a long time and having the same teacher (Gouken), the two have a similar style (their imaginary fighting technique called Ansatsuken). With the passage of time, the creators of games have tried to differentiate their moves slightly.