Dazzler whose real name is Alison Blair, is a cartoon character created in 1980, published by Marvel Comics. Alison is able to transform sound into light to create photonic rays.
It is a superhero that has become part of the X-Men, after a past as a singer.
His wonderful voice had highlighted as a singer.
To the development of his powers she uses them to increase the dramatic effect of his performances. The audience went into a frenzy thinking they were generated by special effects on stage and even Spider-Man took a crush on her. Its reputation fell when it turned out to be a mutant. Dazzler in action
It was close to entering the Avengers, but then became part of the X-Men and revealing a true heroine learning to master all his powers. He had a love affair with Longshot and returned with him to overthrow the terrible Mojoverso oppressor.
Long after he returned from Alison Mojoverso without Longshot what made him think that he was dead, but Alison revealed that it was not true, but without saying how he did to be sure.