Omega Red whose real name is Arkady Rossovich, is a cartoon character created by John Byrne (text) and Jim Lee (text and drawings), published by Marvel Comics. His first appearance was in X-Men (second series) No. 4 (January 1992). It is a supervillain enemy of the X-Men. It is also known as Arkady Arkady Gregorivich and Vasyliev.
Omega Red has a healing factor that allows it to heal very quickly from any wound, is well able to absorb the energy of others through touch, skills that he calls death factor.
After Weapon X has implanted on the skeleton Carbonadium (a material obtained by the fusion of carbon and adamantium), his bones are virtually indestructible, like the tentacles of the same material that Omega Red uses to lift and crush opponents.
Arkady Rossovich was born in Russia. He is albino, a mere boy, until he discovers it can absorb the energy of others at will (he calls it "factor of death"), beyond the fact of having a healing factor. Goes mad and becomes a serial killer. This makes it immediately attractive a target for a sort of Russian Weapon X project, which he established himself in the bone Carbonadium. To further strengthen it, the tentacles of Carbonadium are implanted.
Omega Red has a healing factor that allows it to heal very quickly from any wound, is well able to absorb the energy of others through touch, skills that he calls death factor.
Omega Red in action
After Weapon X has implanted on the skeleton Carbonadium (a material obtained by the fusion of carbon and adamantium), his bones are virtually indestructible, like the tentacles of the same material that Omega Red uses to lift and crush opponents.
Arkady Rossovich was born in Russia. He is albino, a mere boy, until he discovers it can absorb the energy of others at will (he calls it "factor of death"), beyond the fact of having a healing factor. Goes mad and becomes a serial killer. This makes it immediately attractive a target for a sort of Russian Weapon X project, which he established himself in the bone Carbonadium. To further strengthen it, the tentacles of Carbonadium are implanted.
It then combines the first Russian soldiers to super and then the Russian Mafia, and then attacked the X-Men, and immediately became one of the most loved by their enemies Fans. Becomes an enemy of Wolverine in particular, with which it shares part of the past and powers. The two faced each other several times.
Omega Red in action
For a short time became the head of the Russian mafia. When Wolverine regained his memories Maverick tried to use his source Carbonadium to cancel the factor of regenerating his son, that whoever had used the X-Man clawed in the past had trained her as a murderess in his employ, Red reappeared. Then after a battle with Wolverine is killed by him with the sword of the Muramasa.