Sabretooth whose real name is Victor Creed, is a cartoon character created by Chris Claremont and John Byrne in 1977, published by Marvel Comics. His first appearance is in Iron Fist (first series) No 14.
Chris Claremont was to recycle as an enemy of the X-Men, provide them with a mysterious and obscure relationship with Wolverine, giving the same super powers and the same animal ferocity, making it one of the most famous of Marvel supervillains.
Chris Claremont was to recycle as an enemy of the X-Men, provide them with a mysterious and obscure relationship with Wolverine, giving the same super powers and the same animal ferocity, making it one of the most famous of Marvel supervillains.
Born as an antagonist of Iron Fist and initially did not appear as shown below the dangerous mutant, so much so that in a Spider-Man story was easily defeated by the Black Cat.
Sabretooth In action
The man known as Sabretooth is a mutant of the most violent, bloody and brutal ever appeared on earth. During the Second World War, Wolverine and Sabretooth came together in the same division of the army, the "Devil's Brigade".
Were later abducted by the Weapon X project, which used them as guinea pigs by fusing their bones with adamantium, the strongest metal on Earth, and erased their memories (in this period began using the name Sabretooth Victor Creed, and Wolverine has long used the name Logan).
Were later abducted by the Weapon X project, which used them as guinea pigs by fusing their bones with adamantium, the strongest metal on Earth, and erased their memories (in this period began using the name Sabretooth Victor Creed, and Wolverine has long used the name Logan).
Two years later they found themselves side by side in the Secret Service, and it was during these years that began their rivalry.
Sabretooth and Wolverine in the following years, become enemies, faced each other many times, it seems that the Creed has killed several loved ones, especially the girl named Silver Fox, a young Indian with whom Logan had begun a tender story 'love.