The Punisher, whose real name is Frank Castle, is a cartoon character, created by Gerry Conway (text) and Ross Andru (pictures), published by Marvel Comics. His first appearance is in The Amazing Spider-Man (first series) No 129.
The Punisher is an anti-hero, a vigilante who acts violently against the criminals of the world: it does so in memory of the death of his family, brutally killed in a firefight. Frank Castle has no superpowers, but undergoes a grueling sessions of calisthenics to improve their physical training and has extensive knowledge of weapons.
The Punisher is an anti-hero, a vigilante who acts violently against the criminals of the world: it does so in memory of the death of his family, brutally killed in a firefight. Frank Castle has no superpowers, but undergoes a grueling sessions of calisthenics to improve their physical training and has extensive knowledge of weapons.
Punisher in action