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Friday, March 18, 2011

Trowa Barton   Soldiers most experienced pilots Gundam, Trowa was a quiet but determined. Patience and calm, he will analyze the situation before acting. He also hides behind a mask of calm feeling. Despite his emotionlessness, Trowa develop lasting friendships with Raberba Quatre Winner. Symbolically, Trowa often affiliated with the mask not only because of neutrality and talents to infiltrate enemy lines,
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but also because of his job as a circus clown - a job where he is wearing costumes and painted masks. Trowa also proved to have strong relationships with animals, evidenced by when he first joined the circus. On the battlefield,
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Trowa attack his enemies with utter ruthlessness and deadly accuracy. Trowa has a lot of emotional control, so she quietly approached under any circumstances without becoming emotionally compromised. He is naturally talented in the stunt, he has a good ability to balance her body and applies to Gundam in combat. Trowa was also gifted in animals calm and even made friends with them as he was able to tame the Lions with ease. As he and the entire pilot Gundam, Trowa skilled in firearms, tactics of infiltration, and testing of MS.
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Before he joined the Barton group, the No-Name Trowa-what was known as before he took the name of the real Trowa Barton is a pilot mobile suits in a group of mercenaries. In the year After Colony 190, over there, he met a girl named Middie Une (nothing to do with the OZ's Lady Une). One day, during operation of the Alliance has got wind, some betraying rebel groups to join the Alliance. No Name-able to save the life of the commander and the commander said could not inform the Alliance of traitors operating. Determined to destroy the mercenaries, the Alliance bombed them and only No Name-and Middie survived. After their escape, No Name-revealed that the Middie is a traitor because he saw that his actual game handheld transmitter and that the cross he gave her was one too. Another Middie he only assisted the Alliance to support the brothers and his father's illness. He also admitted that he had really loved No Name-but also hated him because the people who empty with nothing to hold it. No-Name responded by saying he is better than him since he has a family to return. After shooting the transmitter, he left the Middie. Following this incident, he decided to go into space.
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No-name eventually became the mechanical work on Heavyarms Gundam in space and knowing the intended pilot, Trowa Barton (Barton Foundation leader son ambitious and bloodthirsty, Dekim Barton). Trowa even share a little secret with No Name-: he had a nephew, named Mariemaia, who will rule the earth once successful Operation Meteor. However, other scientists who designed Gundam refused to conduct mass murder and convincing pilots them to only attack military bases OZ. Unfortunately, Doctor S failed to convince Trowa, who intends to carry out Operation Meteor original. Gundam pilot is planned on reporting his Doctorate S disappointment to his father, but was shot and killed by a mechanic, who has family on earth. No-Name witnessed the murder and offered to take the name of the dead and Heavyarms Trowa pilots as part of Operation Meteor modified.
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All Heroes,enemies Carton and animation in the best in the world..........
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All Heroes,enemies Carton and animation in the best in the world..........
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All Heroes,enemies Carton and animation in the best in the world..........
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All Heroes,enemies Carton and animation in the best in the world..........
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All Heroes,enemies Carton and animation in the best in the world..........
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All Heroes,enemies Carton and animation in the best in the world..........
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All Heroes,enemies Carton and animation in the best in the world..........
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All Heroes,enemies Carton and animation in the best in the world..........
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All Heroes,enemies Carton and animation in the best in the world....