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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ryu  In the first game Street Fighter, Ryu wearing a worn white karate gi with (headband) hachimaki white, red gloves. Also, a constant characteristic in the design motif is Fūrinkazan kanji (meaning Wind, Forest, Fire, Mountain), the battle standard of the Japanese history of Takeda Shingen's military leader, embroidery into her obi, simulation Karate degrees and. In Street Fighter II Ryu appears older, with brown hair, brown gloves, and red hachimaki. He also fights barefoot
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today.Alpha Series Ryu's many features as depicted in the original Street Fighter, with bright red hair and white hachimaki. In the game Street Fighter III, Ryu has black hair and beard growth in the face to show age. Street Fighter IV is set chronologically between II and III, and Ryu has the look more mature than he was in Street Fighter II, but still do not see age as in Street Fighter III.
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Because he was the only playable character in the original Street Fighter, Ryu designer, Manabu Takemura,  wanted to make it easy to identify with. In Street Fighter II, the character was selected for inclusion because of its presence in the first game, symbolizing the concept of a Japanese martial artist. As the series develops, more muscular design is made to coincide with the concept, while his white gi, he is considered the most defining characteristic of the development team, intended to let the audience know he is "a master of karate at first sight."
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Prime in the first Street Fighter, Ryu emerged as the main character from the game along with his friend Ken participated in the Street Fighter tournament. Further games of the series shows Ryu will be very focused on training, which aims to become strong he can. However, its strength also draw some criminals who want to use him for their plans.

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All Heroes,enemies Carton and animation in the best in the world..........